
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Family Support

My name is Mrs Pritchard and I am the Family Support Worker within school.

My role is to offer help to children and families that may be experiencing difficulties. 


I am here to:

  • Listen
  • Support
  • Offer practical advice

Who I work with

  • Individuals and groups of children
  • Teachers and other members of staff
  • Parents/carers
  • External agencies such as; Social Services, Police, Health Professionals, Child and Family Wellbeing

 With the children I can

  • Help to build confidence, raise self-esteem and motivation
  • Improve social skills, form relationships with friends, family and staff
  • Improve attendance and punctuality
  • Help the children to achieve their full potential
  • Provide ELSA support through 1:1 or small group sessions
  • Provide a safe and calm environment

Support for Families includes

  • Communication between home and school
  • Offer access to outside agencies  
  • someone to talk to in confidence
  • Provide support with food parcels
  • Signpost to activities and support within the local community
  • Liaise between parents and professionals
  • Support with school uniform
  • Home visits  

 In School I

  • Organise events such as Monster ball Summer/Christmas fair
  • Arrange coffee mornings, drop in sessions and invite parents to attend
  • I work within the breakfast club and oversee the morning activities so I am the first point of contact for some parents
  • I monitor your child’s attendance making sure that the children attend regularly and have access to an enriched and diverse curriculum
  • I have an open door policy where all parents/carers are made to feel welcome
  • Have drop in sessions at lunch time for children who may be struggling or just want some time out
  • I am a member of and oversee the PTFA
  • I fundraise so that we can continue to improve our school setting.


My 1:1 sessions with the children have a focused based approach and this determines what support will be put into place.

If you have any concerns about your child or just want some advice in general please consider the following

  • Talk to your child about your concerns
  • Contact me at school for advice and support

I am here to support both children and parents/carers. Excellent communication between school and home is essential so the next time we have a coffee morning pop in for a chat.

Mrs B Pritchard
