
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Cedar (Y6)

The children were asked to study the Our Father, after considering what the prayer means to them they were asked to reflect upon how they would implement the parts that they were drawn to in their daily lives. Here is one of our fantastic examples 🤩

This week the children have been thinking about a prayer and their points of view when reflecting upon the prayer. They were asked to create a poster and express their reasons for the point of view that they had drawn. Here are some of our fantastic pieces. 

Heroes and Villains


We have had a very busy half term, we have learnt about keeping ourselves healthy inside and out, from our head to our toes. 

We ended our topic of healthy food and body with some wonderful design and technology sessions which included the creation of fabulous meals including: tuna pasta, chicken pasta salad, chicken tikka masala, smashed tuna burgers and chicken tikka masala.


Throughout the half term we have worked hard on teamwork and communication, this was evident during team tasks in Science, PE and DT. Well done Year 6 🤩

Poetry - Images based on our understanding of Winter’s Morning by Ogden Nash

Welcome to Year 6 – Cedar Class


The adults who work in Cedar class are Mrs Dixon, Mrs Grant and Mrs Jewitt.  


Our PE sessions will be on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon. PE kits should stay in school until they are sent home. As one of our sessions is outdoors PE children can bring trainers and also plain blue/black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie if the weather begins to cool. 


Homework will be set each half term and will come home in a grid. This will need to be completed by the day stated on the sheet and handed in to earn some Dojo rewards. 


Spellings will be set weekly with a test on a Friday. These will be sent home and also accessed on EdShed. 


We will continue to test and develop our times tables and arithmetic skills in class.

Children will be responsible for practising their tables at home. 


Reading daily is essential in Year 6 and children can earn Reading Rockets for reading at home which build to earn rewards. Children must show us they have read at home and can complete their diary independently as well. 


Year 6 visit to church for remembrance.

Science - Adaptation and evolution. We investigated Charles Darwin’s theory about the beaks of birds.

Hopes, dreams and ambitions

Super RE work
