
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Sycamore (Y5)

Welcome to Year 5 – Sycamore Class


The adults who work in class are Mrs Whiteside, Miss McDonald and Mrs Lavelle.

Mrs Whiteside will teach Monday to Thursday and Mrs Lavelle will teach every Friday.


For the first two weeks we are swimming every afternoon. Then our PE day will be Thursday afternoon. PE kits should stay in school until they are sent home. As it is outdoors PE children can bring trainers and also plain blue/black tracksuit bottoms and hoodie if the weather begins cool. 


Homework will be set each half term and will come home in a grid. This will need to be completed by the day stated on the sheet and handed in to earn some Dojo rewards. 


Spellings will be set weekly with a test on a Thursday. These will be sent home via our class Dojo page and also accessed on EdShed. 


We will continue to test and develop our times tables skills with weekly tests on a Friday. we are having a huge push on learning our multiplications, the inverse operations and quick arithmetic. 


Reading daily is essential in Year 5 and children can earn Reading Rockets for reading at home which build to earn  rewards. Children must show us they have read at home and can complete their diary independently as well. 




Learning in Year 5
