
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Attendance and Punctuality

Attending school regularly and being punctual will always be of the utmost importance at St Teresa's. Good attendance ensures that students take full advantage of all the learning opportunities.

Please ensure your child attends school everyday and arrives on time. Our Doors open at 8:40am and school starts at 8:50am. 

Research shows that children with poor attendance are at a disadvantage later in life. They often 

  • find it harder to make and maintain friendships
  • are less likely to gain good qualifications
  • earn lower wages
  • have a higher chance of being unemployed
  • have low self-esteem

Poor attendance and punctuality, even at the earliest age, can affect achievement in later life. Establishing good habits from the start helps children to settle more quickly into new settings and routines. Regular routines for young children support the settling-in process and enhance their sense of security. Please contact the school office if your child is ill for any reason (01772 797397).
