
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School



It is the parent/carers responsibility:

  • To ensure that their children arrive to school on time. Both KS1 and KS2 doors open at 8:40am until 8:50am. This is sufficient time for all pupils to get to their classroom.  
  • If a child is late (after 8:50am) they must report to the school office to sign in. Records are kept of all pupils that are late with an L code in the register. Any child that arrives after 9:20am will be marked with a U code, this is equivalent to an unauthorised absence.
  • To inform the school office if their child is not going to be in school and provide a valid reason why 
  • To ensure children are collected promptly at the end of the school day which is 3:10pm for all children. If someone else is to collect your child then the class teacher and school office should be made aware of this. 
  • If your child is collected late you may incur a fine of £7 (this is per child)
  • To arrange medical and dental appointments outside of school hours wherever possible


This advice also applies to children in our Nursery. The session times are: 

Morning - 8:40am until 11:40am 

Afternoon - 12:10pm until 3:10pm 


Minutes Matter

If your child is late for just 10 minutes every day they will miss 50 minutes of learning every week. If you multiply this by 39 (the amount of school weeks in a year) it equates to 1950 minutes missed a year. That is a staggering 32.5 hours of lost learning.
