
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6


The adults who work in Year 6 are Mrs Dixon and Miss McDonald.   


Our PE sessions will be on a Thursday afternoon. PE kits should be worn all day on a Thursday. Many of our sessions will be outdoors, children can wear trainers and also plain blue/black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie when the weather begins to cool. 


Homework will be set weekly. This will need to be completed on time to earn some Dojo rewards. 


Spellings will be set weekly with a test on a Friday. These will be sent home and also accessed on EdShed. 


We will continue to test and develop our times tables and arithmetic skills in class.

Children will be responsible for practising their tables at home. 


Reading daily is essential in Year 6, this helps the children to develop reading fluency and accuracy, regularly asking your child questions about the pages they have read will support their comprehension skills.  


Science - heart dissection - Year 6 explored the chambers of a lamb’s heart in their Science lesson with Mr Kay 🤩

Science - learning about the way in which our bodies absorb water and nutrients.

Art - creating WW1 images using inspiration from Henry Moore.

Diary entries written in the role of Mary. The children thought carefully about the expectations that Mary would be given and how this would make her feel.

Art work inspired by Henry Moore’s ‘The Morning After’. We are very impressed with how the children have developed their art styles after studying our focus artist.

Brighten up day - celebrating with bright clothes, fun songs and by decorating colourful biscuits 🍪

RE - using sources to support a point of view. Beautiful images created by the children in relation to the picture the prayer that we studied painted in their head.

Poems - Year 6 have studied a range of poems and used these to help them to write poems linked to World War One in line with our topic and the month of remembrance.

Remembrance Day - prayers for the day and blessing the graves. Year 6 joined the parish to pray for those who’s sacrificed their lives for others both during the world wars and since then.

RE - determine unconditional love and who loves us unconditionally ❤️

RE - a brilliant piece expressing a point of view after studying Paul’s letter to Titus.
