
St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 


The adults who work in class are Miss Collins and Mrs Brown. 


Our PE day is on a Tuesday, children are to come to school in their PE kits every Tuesday. In Winter, children can wear black or blue joggers/leggings and a black or blue hoody. 


Homework will be set weekly. Homework is due in every Thursday and will be handed out every Friday. Children who complete their homework and bring it in by Thursday will receive DoJo points. 


Spellings will be set weekly, with a test on a Friday. These can be accessed on EdShed but children will also receive a paper copy. 


We will continue to test and develop our times tables skills with weekly tests on a Friday. Times tables are set and practiced on EdShed.


Reading daily is essential in Year 3 and children can earn DoJo points for reading at home to earn rewards. Please record reading at home in your child's reading diary.
